Laat uw stem horen: Bereik 2x zoveel in de helft van de tijd met de AI-Training van de Spinozagroep

De Spinozagroep is een onderzoeks- en samenwerkingsplatform
ter bevordering van (academische) vrijheid en open debat.

Dit platform analyseert en agendeert de ‘de nieuwe intolera
ntie’ in Nederland en Europa. Hierbij staan de vinkjesgeest, etnische databases, slachtoffercultuur en cancelcultuur centraal.



“It is bad psychology to tell people who do not believe that they are racist—who may even actively despise racism—that there is nothing they can do to stop themselves from being racist—and then ask them to help you. It is even less helpful to tell them that even their own good intentions are proof of their latent racism. Worst of all is to set up double-binds, like telling them that if they notice race it is because they are racist, but if they don’t notice race it’s because their privilege affords them the luxury of not noticing race, which is racist.”

Helen Pluckrose

In samenwerking met o.a. Vrij Links en EW Podium:


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